
Ashkan Farhangi is a highly accomplished doctoral researcher in Machine Learning with a strong focus on deep learning, cloud-based AI systems, and anomaly detection. His extensive research contributions, including publications and US patents, reflect his deep expertise and innovative approach in the field. As an adjunct professor, Ashkan actively shapes the next generation of AI experts while continuing to serve on program committees for leading conferences. His work has earned him multiple awards, confirming his reputation as a thought leader in machine learning and AI.

• 2023: AA-Forecast: Anomaly-Aware Forecast for Extreme Events PDF BibTeX
• 2022: Protoformer: Embedding Prototypes for Transformers PDF BibTeX
• 2022: A Novel Deep Learning Model For Hotel Demand and Revenue Prediction amid COVID-19 PDF BibTeX
• 2019: A Deep Learning Strategy for I/O Scheduling in Storage Systems PDF BibTeX
• 2022: Leveraging Data Analytics to Understand the Relationship Between Restaurants’ Safety Violations and COVID-19 Transmission PDF BibTeX

US Patents
• Learning Model for Recognizing Complex Medical Data

His area of expertise lies in large-scale ML systems, Large Language Models (LLMs), cloud-based AI solutions, Anomaly Prediction, NLP, and XAI.

Program Committee
He is an active program committee member for AAAI and ICONIP conferences. He also serves as a reviewer for the following conferences and journals: EMSOFT, TPDS, RTSS, RTAS, RTCSA, DAC, TNNLS, and ICIST. Please consider submitting or attending.

Adjunct Professor
  • EEL 4798 Massive Storage & Big Data
  • EEL 4781 Computer Communication Networks

• "Can Artificial Intelligence Address the Burden Associated with Scoring Narrative Assessments?" International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Meeting (IAMSE), Oral Session, June 2022.

• Recipient of the “Best Research Paper” Award in Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics track for PyTorch implementation of deep learning model

• Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year

Rounded Text


Years of


Partnerships and Consulting


National Science Foundation


National Institutes of Health


Meta Research


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Contact Ashkan